Well, Andy Cohen is simply the best thing ever to happen to Bravo. Don't you agree? I mean like he totally rocks the "Watch What Happens" program. I think he should have his own television show.
The "Andy's Word Association" game is GENIUS. Sheer Genius. (But not Shear Genius - ha ha.) He has such fabulous callers too! RIKKI LAKE! Are you serious? She is like my second-favorite actress (after Sarah Jessica Parker or maybe Johnny Depp). I love his new haircut too. I think he was ready for an update. The curls are cute but the shorter style makes him look SO HOTTT!
How about his keen interviewing skillz on the "Real Housewives Reunion?" OMG! He zeroed right in on EVERYTHING I wanted to know! Who has had what surgery and how can I get one of those FABULOUS T-shirts! Seriously.
How about it, Bravo? Andy is most definitely ready for his own show. Like totally.
You are so RIGHT, Andy Fan! He needs his very own show...Tim's getting one. Why shouldn't Andy? It could be something simple, like "Being Andy." I wonder who they'd bring in to be his ever faithful and fawning sidekick? Gawd, I'll bet people will be knocking down the doors ar Bravo for a shot at that spot. The lines will be longer than at the PR auditions! ((of course, dibs should go to Laura K, dontcha think?)
Andy Fan, I have so much in common with you. My favorite actresses are Sarah Jessica Parker and Johnny Depp.
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