I asked Andy what is the one accessory that a hot cable executive hunk never leaves home without:
Cool shades are a must and really, one pair just doesn't cut it. Whenever I'm tooling around town on the down-low, I sport a pair of face-shielding Shetangi specs. But the Oakleys hanging from my shirt? NEVER pass up an oppertunity to show a little chest hair!
In the immortal words of Lightning McQueen: KA-CHOW!
Ha, ha, ha!! Great April Fool's joke. Best one ever.
LOL!! Much better than Tommy Hilfiger taking over Heidi's spot on PR. I agree with Laura K. (as usual), I heart Andy!
Happy April Fools!! :)
oh geez i forgot it was april fools day !!!!!!
Happy Aprils Fool's Day,
you cheeky little rabbits!
-- desertwind
PS - I guess you ditched Hel-loscan?
Bravo! Well done, down to the sidebar. Hysterical! This made my day! Thanks.
Editor Girl
I'm so glad you use your powers for good instead of evil...
hahaha last year i almost started crying until i read the comments, but this is hilarious.
ready for pr4 yet?
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